Methylation Detection Kit For Human SDC2 Gene (Real time PCR)

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Product Information

  • Certification:CE
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Warranty:2 years


Target Countries:

Southeast Asia, Middle East, South America

Product Overview:

The detection kits can be used for detecting early stage  (from Adenomatous polyps to Adenocarcinoma)  of CRC, and the patients can collect fecal specimen at home and send to the professional laboratory for further diagnosis of CRC.


1.Early detection of precancer and early stages of colorectal cancer; 

2.High detection rate, Complete colon detection; 

3.Easy sample collection at home; Room temperature storage & shipment; 

4.Completely noninvasive; No bowel preparation; Only 4.5g of sample

Technical Specification

Intended Population

1. Individuals who are at average-risk and age 45-74;

2. Individuals who have alarming gastroenterological symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, fecal occult blood, constipation and emaciation;

3. lndividuals who have family history of colorectal cancer or have unhealthy eating habits or lifestyles;

4. Individuals who have no intension or have high risk (due to various reasons) in undergoing

colonoscopy procedure;

5. Individuals who have benign diseases of rectum and anus, such as hemorrhoid anus fistula,perianal tumor, anal fissure.

Specific Requirements

Deal in the related industry;
Familiar with local regulation for drug entry;
Familiar with local sales channel and market;
Active and confident in promoting the product.

Shenzhen Mellow Hope Pharm Industrial co.,Ltd.

Business Type:Manufacturer


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